Have a nice day.
Keyoxide: aspe:keyoxide.org:NGBHBM6PIKZC2Q7CP7RXLKNNQM
Fairphone is a great option.
This is based in the USA FWIW if you’re concerned about privacy.
Their website says that the entire business is in the USA. Their mailbox forwarding service operates out of Florida. As a Canadian, this is a nonstarter for me and I do not trust an American company with my privacy.
You can help with efforts to identify and avoid stingrays by recording real BTS towers with the open source apps Tower Collector or NeoStumbler
Has anybody tried https://mygrid.app/ ?
A fitness tracker app that rivals Strava.
Some Canadians have archived the Climate + Economic Justice Screening Tool and hosted it at screening-tools.com
My favourite American dish is a nothingburger right now.
Kobo is where it’s at! It’s Canadian and not owned by Amazon.
Local libraries rock.
The US have always been the bad guys. Even independence was about being able to do more genocide and land stealing without the British getting in the way.
Canada also has a brutal history of both slavery and genocide.
Accepting that is the first step to overcoming systemic racism and building communities that we can all thrive in.
So so good!
Worth a look at Coros. I find their battery life and product support to be much better than the garmin watches I’ve owned. They even added maps as an update for existing watches when they could have forced people to buy a new watch for that feature. Not FOSS though.
If there was an open source GPS watch that could last long enough with enough accuracy for my workouts, I’d be all over it!
Good on you for doing the right thing.
What does it rhyme with?
Did you open an issue for this on GitLab?
Every time I see a youtuber cross post to peertube it makese happy.
If you’re Canadian, you can walk into most pharmacies and they will give you a kit for free and provide brief training on the spot.
I can’t remember which website it was but you can also get it for free, delivered by mail in Ontario.
Avoid storing it in extreme heat or cold since it degrades the naloxone. But degraded “carcan” is better than none.