Zoom in on Sync is awful it just wants to zoom in on the centre the image trying to zoom in and look at the top of the image requires huge amounts of scrolling.
Oh, what would I give for a mature converted Reddit app where all of these issues have been already sorted out for 10 years.
how the ios apps rendered this extra long image:
memmy: cannot zoom (cannot read it)
lift off: okay zoom, horizontal stretch
thunder: limited zoom, horizontal stretch
voyager: okay zoom, no distortion
Sync handles it correctly w the image zoomed to fill the screen horizontally
Zoom in on Sync is awful it just wants to zoom in on the centre the image trying to zoom in and look at the top of the image requires huge amounts of scrolling.
Oh, what would I give for a mature converted Reddit app where all of these issues have been already sorted out for 10 years.
Opened perfectly on sync for me. Zoomed to fill width and started at the top.
Jerboa: Image failed to load
yeah in the thumbnail but tapping it then works perfectly fine, zooms enough and no distortion
Sync on android : no prob, cuz. I got your back.
Click on it. Zooms in automatically.
Yes it costs money or pushes ads down your throat but it is such a nice app.
firefox : works
Connect: pinch to zoom, can scroll in all directions.