This article has as much substance to it as a saltine cracker.
I think you’re underselling the substance of a saltine. This felt like a bad AI generated piece.
The cracker is more useful but it is very thin and mostly air, but fair enough.
It has the substance of a saltine cracker with 0 sodium.
“leafs”? Really?
Experiments reveal PV-leaves generate over 10% extra electricity compared to standard solar panels, which dissipate 70% of solar energy.
So basically you go from using 30% of solar energy to 33%? Sounds nice but would that really do that much?
It doesn’t make sense to think of it in terms of how much of the Sun’s energy it uses because solar energy is essentially free and unlimited, it comes from an outside system, we don’t need to mine it or carry it or anything and we can’t ‘waste’ it in the same way we can other fuels. All it tells us is the maximum theoretical limit.
10% more energy from solar means a rooftop array could generate an extra 300-500W which is a genuinely useful amount of energy.