Turns out, I had my phone in Airplane! mode.
The only problem with this joke is that it’s impossible that Siri would ever be that clever.
I’m sorry, I don’t understand.
Play. My. Gym. Playlist. (Sigh)
“Okay, here’s music by the Playlists”
Whenever I ask my Google Assistant in the kitchen to play music, it mishears me and plays some bizarre rap. It’s always rap too.
My favourite occasion of this was when I’d asked it to play “Believe by Cher” and it was all “Sure! Beat the Baby by Brooklyn Queen, playing on YouTube music.” I did a double take, sure I’d misheard it, but then the song started playing…
When I ask my google assistant to make my light blue, sometimes it plays a random song with blue in the title and ignores me for a bit.
after reading the title i was like he ripped this straight from airplane thats crazy
but then i saw the body copy v funny
Was she speaking jive?
Check that you don’t have it in Airplane mode.
I think you mean Airplane! mode.
I’m disgusted. Have an upvote.