This is a legit method for building small things like that where you can use the brick-like shape of the bag when it’s hardened. You just need to make sure the concrete gets soaked all the way through with a hose or rain.
There’s a park on the lake near me that has a retaining wall that steps down into the lake swimming area built this way. The bags are rotted away so they’re just concrete pillows now. They’re been there at least 20 years
That’s exactly how I built a retaining wall at my last house. It had rotting railroad ties that I got rid of and I just stacked bags of concrete before it rained. The concrete set, the bags degraded, and I had a cool retaining wall in my back yard.
Can’t unsee the goatse
I thought you had misspelled goatee
I tried really hard to see a face with a beard in there
I gave up and instead just googled what a goatse is
I regret. I regret so much
Honestly, it’s refreshing that all these years later goatse has lost none of its power.
You are a mean person. My sweet little brain had not made that connection, now I can’t unsee no matter how much I want to.
Moo hoo ha ha!
Do you mean muahaha?
You just unlocked an old memory for me, of being a teenager with strong opinions on how evil laughter should be spelled. Thanks for that, I guess!
Constructed on a Friday at 4:50pm
If it’s stupid and it works, is it stupid afterall?
This is exactly how the bridge on a piece of property I used to live on was built. It lasted 20 years but eventually washed out, while I was there, ofc.
20 years ain’t bad.
Am I the only one who sees a spread butthole and fingers? Why is this save for work?
You should go to an optometrist, I think you have goatsevision
Better than what I saw next to the work shed at a large local park…
About 60 bags left out in the rain. Wasted tax dollars
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