Check out ! :3
Youtube will age restrict songs in my playlist with a word “fuck” in title but won’t do anything about unrestricted animated gore on a channel of a studio that does kid animations that I’ve reported long ago. 🙃
Hello~ Please change your title to “hmmm”. Thank you. 🧐
I thought it’s a pic of a worn down wallet on the table/floor until I zoomed in. xd
Hello~ Please change your title to “hmmm”. Thank you. 🧐
Hello~ I’ve missed it before so I’m late but please change your title to “hmmm”. Thank you. 🧐
One of the front ends that have keyword filtering is voyager.
Oh well, I’m just checking this stuff again and this act ended up having big exceptions. Everything’s still shit.
I meant the facial recognition thing. Or am I misunderstanding your response?
It’s already banned in EU in public spaces.
I’ve read those news a while ago so I don’t remember if there were any shady exceptions or don’t know if there were any changes made to it with time.
The brainwashing is real. Took me years to fully grow out of it.
Notepad# when?
In the past I wanted to do the same because I have the same problem as you but I never actually gotten around to executing the learning part… The one resource that picked my attention the most is ("Learn Mathematics from START to FINISH (2nd Edition) "). It’s a 37 minute video with dozens of book recommendations and how you should proceed with the order of those books.
I’d say it really depends on context so it can be anything. Sometimes it can even mean something positive if it’s with a friend group for example. But if I were to think about the offensive context specifically I would go with 3. Personally I interpret the gesture as silent “fuck you” or “fuck off” which in itself is not that offensive either because of popular usage.
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Thank you. This stuff really didn’t fit this community.
Let’s take it a step further, a tile based feed where you can pick yourself what would you like to watch, wait…
My hero. <3