I used to worry that I hated new Trek. Then lower decks and strange new worlds came out.
Discovery makes me sad. Some great premises and actors, very little of what makes/made Trek great. What a shame.
Lower Decks is nothing but joyous snort giggles. Well quite heartfelt at times.
SNW is wonderful fun. You get your progressive post scarcity utopia (yay) and more than a few sensible chuckles. And guffaws. Also the truly grim but still appropriately Trek stories like Under the Cloak of War.
Also I would kill for a proper Bat’leth Boys music video! You have not experienced K-pop until you’ve heard it in the original Klingon.
I want to be clear here as a mod before arguments start. In Ten Forward:
You are allowed to hate any Star Trek series or movie(s) that you like.
You are also allowed to talk about how much you hate them all you like.
Just don’t be a dick about it.
And also don’t be a dick about someone hating those things.
Yes, but you have to avoid using words like “woke” and “diverse” and “agenda” so you come across as a generic hater.
New Trek isn’t bad because it’s progressive, it’s bad because they’ve lost the vision of what Star Trek even is. Case in point:
Trek is like beer. There is good Trek. There is better Trek. There is bad Trek. But bad Trek is better than no Trek. And any Trek is better than star wars.
I’d rather have no Trek than whatever bullshit is posing as Trek right now.
Or to use your metaphor, There is good beer, there is better beer, there is bad beer, and then there is that weird warm yellow liquid that turns out to be actual horse urine that got sold to you like beer. That’s what NuTrek is.
All I know is Kirk from the original series (the actor) is pretty anti progressive and from what I can tell closer to a Nazi then a star trek captain.
Of course last time I heard about him was very long time ago though
AFAIK, William Shatner is mainly a self absorbed twat and kinda a pain to work with, which was why he was on the outs with the rest of the crew for decades, but I’ve never seen him regurgitating right wing talking points like Kevin Sorbo or Chuck Norris.
Can we keep this community civil?
If you feel personally attacked when people voice their dissent against regressive discriminatory behavior, perhaps consider it’s your conscience trying to tell you something.
I just want memes