I want to selfhost cloud drive and looking for what would be the best option. I originally used Nextcloud, but it has a lot of features not related to file hosting so I would be interested in something simpler. I found out about Cozy Cloud (https://cozy.io/) but there is really little info about that. Has anyone used that and how does it compare to Nextcloud?
I never heard of Cozy, but it looks quite nice. The Self-Hosting Documentation ist a bit lacking, but https://github.com/cozy/cozy-stack-compose contains all required information to set it it up yourself.
I originally used Nextcloud, but it has a lot of features not related to file hosting
Cozy seems to be in a similar situation, where file storage is just one of many features that it provides. If you want just files, it might be the best idea to just use any WebDAV Server or something like File Browser.
Is a complete rewrite I’m GO
I started with owncloud, then the devs left for NextCloud in I’ve been in that since version 1
Then I looked at seafile and then lacking features (search)
Finally I discovered that owncloud has been rewriting ocis I’m GO which greatly simplifies a lot of the issues NextCloud inherited from the original owncloud
Works very well so far. Just trying to get oAuth to work
Hello Go, I’m dad
I use Nephele through Nginx Proxy Manager.
I have no idea about cozy.io, but just to offer another option, I’ve been running Seafile for years and it’s pretty solid piece of hardware. And while it does have other stuff than just file storage/sharing, it’s mostly about just files and nothing else. Android client isn’t the best one around, but gets the job done (background tasks at least on mine tend to freeze now and then), on desktop it just works.
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I’ve always used containers and it has been pretty solid for me as well. Not perfect but the system settings page told me what was wrong.
What’s wrong with Nextcloud? Maybe evaluate the need you want to fill.
I used Nextcloud for both files and my PortableApps for years but it always had a hard time managing all those tens of thousands of small files. Lots of sync overhead. So I found Seafile and couldn’t be happier. I don’t just have my PortableApps in there now, I sync my Windows Documents, Pictures, Videos and Downloads folders. Seafile is very good at tracking partial changes in files so it doesn’t always need to sync an entire file when just part of it changed.
Also: It’s just a file sync service without any auxiliary features.
Reminds my of syncthing