If a leaf leaves leaves, why doesn’t a calf calve calves?
A leaf doesn’t leave leaves, so the initial premise is wrong.
Because cows calve calves
How does a leaf leaves leaves? What am I missing here?
There’s a bunch of leaves. Wind blows. One leaf gets blown away. It leaves the leavesHaiku version:
There’s a bunch of leaves
Wind blows. One gets blown away
It leaves the leavesThank you and nice haiku
It’s a showerthought about the English spellings being fucked.
You read read as read, and not as read.
And yet the woodchuck still chucks wood…
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo… I’m not sure how many I’m supposed to write, did I do enough yet?
Because no no no
A tree leaves leaves like a cow calves calves.
Because that’s how you wash your Reaver Speer.