[Jury Nullification] is when the jury in a criminal trial gives a verdict of not guilty even though they think a defendant has broken the law. The jury’s reasons may include the belief that the law itself is unjust

Until the wealthy and powerful are held to account, why punish your fellow everyday citizens? Use your brain. Decide if what they’re charging people with is suppression or actually keeping society safe.

When those prosecutors start losing these cases, maybe they will start to rethink who they are focusing on.

  • Dubiousx99@lemmy.world
    15 days ago

    I disagree, we also want people to nullify laws that are unjust, such as prosecuting a woman who decides to have an abortion. This is one of the means the people retain to fight tyranny.

      • Dubiousx99@lemmy.world
        15 days ago

        Let me clarify, I disagree that people should not be informed about jury nullification. Too many people forget that we grant our government power. One way we continue to enforce that power grant is by reserving the right to a trial by a jury of your peers. Too many people take that message to heart that they need to rule in accordance with the law.

        • PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world
          15 days ago

          Yeah, there’s a reason the juror box has been referred to as the third box of liberty.

          The four boxes of liberty are a 19th century concept. They are the soap box, (making your disagreement publicly known, and trying to gather others who agree), ballot box, (voting out corrupt officials), juror box, (refusing to convict for unjust laws), and lastly the ammo box. Typically used in that order.

          Basically, protest starts by voicing your disagreement. That’s your soap box. You make your disagreement publicly heard, and try to gather others who also disagree with the government. When you have enough people gathered together, it becomes a peaceful protest.

          But when that doesn’t work, You vote for representatives that will be able to make decisions you agree with. The hope is that they’ll enact change for the better once they’re in office. Basically, get rid of the corrupt officials who are working against the public.

          Third, if the government has enacted laws you disagree with (because you’re not being represented, and they have ignored your peaceful protests), then you move on to the jury box. Refuse to convict when you believe the justice system is unjust.

          Lastly, if the government still refuses to change and is continuing to prosecute people for unjust laws (for instance, secret police bypassing the jury box by skipping a fair trial) then you move onto the ammo box as a form of protest. Because if the government has refused to allow for peaceful protest via the first three boxes, then that only leaves the fourth box.

          As the government becomes more and more tyrannical, you start using more and more of your boxes. Hopefully you never need to reach for the fourth box.