Hi guys!
I’m looking for a Proton alternative. So far I’ve seen these two recommended. I was wondering what are the pros/cons of each? Seems Tutanota offers more bang for the buck in mailbox size etc, but I’m not sure. I’d also like to have a better integration with Android, because Proton’s email/calendar apps suck big time.
I’m sorry, english is not my first language but what do you mean by advising to stay away from Tuta?
“stay away” from something, means to avoid it
Haha no I get that. The question is more like, why stay away from Tuta
Oh lol.
“upsell” refers to a sales tactic, where a salesperson keeps trying to convince you to buy something more than you might need. Basically, you want to buy a $200 TV, and the sales person tells you: “Hey this $700 TV is much better, it has 8K High Definition, Premium Speakers… etc, etc…”
And then you say: “No thanks, I just want the $200 TV 😅”
But they keep repeating the $700 tv over and over and it gets annoying. That’s what the user is claiming that Tuta is doing.