Google is way to compliant to DMCA request resulting in bad result. Bing doesnt seems to care and will happily link to live and replay of sport event (the main reason I use it personnaly) even as a first result.
PS : If you’re french dont forget to change your DNS or any quality site will not load
So far the only comments have been ‘everyone knows this already’, but I did not, so thank you for posting it
After seeing this comic for the first time years ago I always try to keep it in mind when someone tells me they are just learning about something. We all learn similar things for the first time only at different parts of our lives and being able to be a part of helping someone learn something new is a great feeling.
Alternatives to Google, to YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Messenger, alternatives to Chromium/Chrome browsers - these are important things to be aware of.
SearXNG has search handled for me - scraping Bing and Google amongst others (and often I see Google results are low down on my list).
Unpopular opinion: chocolate tastes good
I use Brave and occasionally Crowdview for questions… any reason why I should find a Searx instance instead?
Pro tip: if you do insist on using Google scroll to the bottom until you see a notice like the one below.
You can then click on the complaint to see the URLs that were removed.
They’ve wisened up a bit and now require a (throwaway) email to access the links, but chances are that if you’re looking for something more obscure, the link you seek is still there.
deleted by creator
Pretty sure it’s intentional.
Google nowadays works if you wanna search something from Wikipedia or like the same 20 websites. For anything else, good luck going through all the SEO autogenerated garbage.
Why would you use Bing over DDG? Honest question
Bing Chat is great, and at work we use M365, so I can easily search for work content through Bing too.
Bing Rewards are also a nice bonus.
It’s good. The privacy implications, not so good.
I pretty much exclusively use Google to search for reddit posts on niche stuff. I stick with google because DDG or any alternatives I tried don’t have the Date of the searched reddit posts on the results.
I’d use Bing but all the links are purple and I can’t fix it after googling fixes x.x works well for reddit searches
Been using the Duckduckgo app for awhile now. Works fantastic, F google
Duckduckgo largely based it’s classic results on Bing.
So I guess this is an agree to OP?
I’ve been using duckduckgo for many years. So I wouldn’t know how it compares to Google results.
Yup, honestly haven’t seen much difference at all when I switched a few years ago. But thanks to this post I learned about SearX. Gonna give that try now. Curious though if using a browser like Chrome for example, would make it a pointless? That’s what drew me to duck since they have their own app.
Why would using Chrome make it pointless?
I just figured if you’re trying to avoid google then using their own browser might have some risk too. But I don’t know for sure if they still able to track anything you do on an alternative search website.
Chrome has other features and potential tracking. But those don’t make not using Google as the search engine pointless. You’re still cutting away a lot of activity.
You can compare how it does by using bangs using google in ddg:
That’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s a known fact for years.
Clearly, I shouln’t have posted this as an “Unpopular opinion” but rather as a PSA or general advice, my bad. Just something i thought as something people should know. Also I’m sure there is better search engine out there so please share away !
I always search for torrent in Yandex, sometimes in btdig if this search is too criminal
So duckduckgo which is primarily bing would be best for piracy privacy?