What a time to be alive.
There’s a huge overlap between those who are obsessed with trans people and those who think COVID-19 was a hoax.
You know… morons.
These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.
FYI both Corona and Bud Lite are products, not companies.
Anheuser-Busch (the company that produces both beers you mentioned) experienced no discernible loss in revenue from kidd rock shooting cans of beer, or the COVID-19 pandemic.
“In the week ending June 3, Bud Light’s sales revenue—the brand’s dollar income—was down 24.4 percent compared to the same week a year ago.”
"The company’s global CEO, Michel Doukeris, said on May 4 that the declining Bud Light sales represented about 1 percent of Anheuser-Busch’s global volume.
This guardian link states that Anhesuser-Busch sales have dropped 25%, seems like that would affect it.
This is incorrect.
Sales of Bud Light and Budweiser dropped 24.6% and 9.2%,
This is a drop in sales of the product, not the company as a whole.
Would be interesting to know if any of their other offerings experienced an increase in sales
Almost certainly. They boycotted Bud Light and rushed out to buy one of the 9000 other beers AB makes.
You think the people protesting bud for this are smart enough to know the difference and not buy something else by them? I’d be shocked if we could pick 10 protestors and more than 2 hadn’t bought another product by them.
I asked this question of some family members who know people who protested Bud Lite. They said everyone was switching to Miller and Coors instead of Busch, because Busch is also AB InBev.
So at least some of the people upset about the trans thing knew enough to avoid the company, not the brand.
Which shouldn’t be surprising. People are people everywhere, even if they have some misguided views it doesn’t mean they’re idiots in every aspect of their lives. It’s important to remember that, otherwise it’s very easy to dehumanize those you disagree with.
A lot of people on social media are acting like this boycott didn’t work. It totally did. Love it or hate it, it worked.
It’s a good thing these people are dehumanizing others
I’m specifically advocating against dehumanization.
You can’t fight fire with fire.
Right but are you sure it was the trans thing and not the fact that bud light tastes like beaver piss?
I can’t believe they boast that they use rice in it. It’s literally a filler.
Cite your point of reference, please.
Rice ferments at a specific rate, and lower than hops. During Prohibition, this was used in lawmaking to stamp out smaller breweries as only the lower rate was allowed (no mention of how to do so; eg. rice) and thus only the corpo breweries with either the capital to reconfigure their production process or the machines already in place (yes, some already were, and had a direct hand in said lawmaking) survived the era.
Conclusion: Only fascists and idiots drink beaver piss.
Why do you know what beaver piss tastes like?
deleted by creator
Did they though?
This dude just makes random shit up in the shower.
All this is telling me is that who ever was in charge of Corona PR was mouth breathing clown… I suspect a boomer.
Corona or Bud Lite?
Bud decisions is all around don’t known your customer.
They lost some sales right now because they chose chaos and pissed off everyone. Also they are AB InBev and let’s be real they’re gonna be fine.
Oh for sure, people have a short memory.
The thing is, nobody sensible drinks that piss beer including myself so none of this matters in the slightest to me - but it’s cool that the republicans are all patting themselves on the back for it I guess :)
Corona wasn’t supporting the virus, it just happened to have the same name. If Corona experienced any loss of sales because of the name then people are incredibly stupid.
Losing sales because of partnering with a spokesperson with different sexual identity is worse.
Man, the people who say everyone’s way too obsessed with trans people are way too obsessed with trans people.
Exactly, their “crime” was just sending custom can to an influencer hoping she would promote it to their fan base. It’s not like they create a special team’s batch or something.
Anyway when this unexpectedly backfired they refused to back her up when she started getting hate mail, which also turned back her fans and right now everyone is bad at them.