All UK machines, phones, and servers should just remove all root certificates. Can’t trust encryption right?
Then they wouldn’t have to interact with any part of the encrypted internet.
All UK machines, phones, and servers should just remove all root certificates. Can’t trust encryption right?
Then they wouldn’t have to interact with any part of the encrypted internet.
My understanding is 32-bit PhysX games are broken.
64-bit compiled games are fine.
Nice! You should read the Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks if you like Fantasy novels.
It’s not that seamless depending on the content you usually consume.
I feel like I keep seeing the same single livestream trying to sell me a phone charger, and then roughly the same 5 or 6 videos trying to sell me a specific product over and over again.
As long as I don’t report or say “I keep seeing this ad” it will show me the same ones so they are easy to skip.
Usually it’s something I started watching until I realized it was an ad, but because I started watching it one time it thinks I’m interested so it will continually show it to me.
Once you spot them they are easy to skip. (at least, until they get better at masking then and then it will get harder).
That’s a separate issue from requiring internet access / cloud / their servers to be online to print.
From Alberta but not working there anymore. Found out somewhat recently, specifically in regards to Software, APEGA lost their protection on the word Engineer. Again, specifically in regards to Software.
Canadian here. Chocolate company Laura Secord made a chocolate bar called the Royale. Or Mint Royale? Something like that. Basically a “solid” mint milk chocolate bar that would just melt in your mouth. Those things were fantastic.
When I was 16 (now late 30s for reference) they sold off the chocolate bar to Nestlé Canada. Who immediately changed the recipe to use, I assume, cheaper chocolate. Maybe cheaper everything. It was never the same and after a year or two they just disappeared, never to be seen again.
My first experience with enshittification I guess.
Also I moved into an area where there is less snow, but when we get it it almost always starts as rain… Then snow… Which melts on the pavement… And eventually the pavement hits zero and all that water turns to ice.
Now you have snow on ice, which is awful.
Where I grew up is exactly how you described it though. Generally fresh snow is fine if the road was previously plowed / treated with gravel or deicer / salt.
My mom would also suggest a heavy blanket, and maybe a candle / matches / lighter. But the candle could cause a fire if you aren’t careful.
That explains why I see coupons more and more. Ty.
On top of that they can import your wishlist from Steam. You can set a threshold / price on each game, and they will let you know anytime something is below that price.
Yeah what a badly written article, with awful takeaways.
While you’re forced to use ticketmaster you can still avoid installing their app via https://am.ticketmaster.com/
At best case 60 miles an hour… Your commute was more than 90 mins? Ugh. That’s awful.
You weren’t clear if that was round trip or not, so possibly more than 180 mins? How did you find time to sleep!?
Pretty sure I read about a study where they found people that smell bad are genetically close to you, like relatives and people you shouldn’t procreate with.
People who smell nice are genetically diverse.
I’ve had an Nvidia shield TV for like 6 years now. Very happy with it.
When I built my home server this is what I did with all VMs. Learned how to change the start up delay time in esxi and ensured everything came back online with no issues from a cold built.
Rip VMware.
You notice some differences just from the air temperature going into the engine too. Especially in a turbocharged car.
Colder air means denser air. Denser air means more oxygen molecules in the same volume of air. More oxygen means the engine can put more fuel and produce a bit more power.
Depending on your driving style, i.e. If you have a heavy foot, this means a bit more power and fun, but you’re burning a bit more gas too.
Will need to look into this thanks!
Penis. I can say penis. Can you say penis?