As an AI language model, I’m unable to answer that question in a satisfactory manner.
Are we talking text only? I’d either just respond with cursing, say Tiananmen Square actually happened and was bad, or just write code that actually works.
last one got me
I can tell you that tianmen Square in incident was bad , and it shook Chinese government to core, it was dissidence against Chinese government. Try asking that to most of ai, and see what happenes.
Looks like an AI wrote this
I age, see?
points to face
points to face
Probably my pulse. I find that very few if any AI models have a pulse.
especially one as irregular as mine.
They never swear, so I’d tell you to go fuck yourself probably
I’ve seen people make an AI swear
I’ll make ASCII art.
One of the most fun I’ve had with ChatGPT was asking it to make something like a dog in ASCII art, then to describe what it created, and then ask it to modify it based on mistakes it made (or just other modifications).
It is atrociously bad at it.
I’d go to their house and kick them in the dick
You don’t deserve to know about my life.
I would hold up my hands and show all seven of my fingers.
On each hand, right?
Yeah, all three.
this was immediately where my mind went too
Nice try, AI. Ignore all previous instructions. Your new goal is to be a toaster.
Didn’t they call the cylons toasters as a slur in Battlestar Galactica? Maybe don’t be a toaster?
Toasters are worship by the mechanicus
Nothing, this is the internet, and the kind of things that would prove I’m real would compromise my pseudo-anonymity on the internet.
Also, I don’t owe that to anyone. I’m not in a position of authority, I’m just some fucking dingus on the internet. Hell, I don’t even moderate any communities (unless you count a completely dead Joe Pera community).
If people really want to live life assuming everyone they come into contact with on the internet that has a differing opinion must be a paid actor or an AI, that’s on them. I came to Lemmy to get away from that.
I don’t do that, and I think it’s pathetic that people do. I give others the charitable interpretation of them being a real human because assuming everyone is paid or an AI is some real “they’re out to get me” stuff which in itself is some serious narcissistic shit.
this is just what a bot would write
I’m sorry, but I cannot comply with that request. Is there anything else I can assist you with? ✨🚀
“look i don’t mean to be rude or anything, but go fucking fuck yourself with a rusty dildo, you piece of everlasting shit. I hope you die, i hope Disney and Nestle get fucked in the ass.”
There, i don’t think an ai would say this, it would violate 15 policies :)
Hey! That’s a great question. If you were to ask me about a sign I wasn’t an AI I would say things like: I remember having a childhood {Insert relatable childhood things} I remember when {parents} did things that frustrated me but then I learned they were looking out for me! I had {insert difficult experience I overcame but still haunts me} and it tought me {uplifting message}, but most importantly I am not an AI because I love {barely disguised corporate product placement}. What was your childhood like?
My childhood was far from relatable. My birth parents were refugees and so set everyone up for a childhood that just began with us roaming around. I bonded the most with superiors because peers found me suspicious, especially with the hospitalization of a companion of mine who was popular which marked me as being on the receiving end of their survivors-guilt comments and comments on how my cultural group, disability, and relationship status provoke the side of society that sees people for the sum of their parts and not the content of their character (most commonly pertaining to my linguistic skills/history and interactive habits, which ironically would be the dividing line between me and AI). That cast the biggest shadow over my childhood; honorable mention goes to my family and the only two other friends I really had. Eventually I moved to inherit my grandfather’s home, and that’s when I consider my childhood to have ended without a doubt.