“I haven’t decided yet, I’ll have to go through the fridge and see what everyone else brought so I can steal something”
“I haven’t decided yet, I’ll have to go through the fridge and see what everyone else brought so I can steal something”
“If you can’t trust the governments of the world, then who can you trust?”
Albert Einstein, Young Einstein
Oh, this has been in the back of my mind for years!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show:
Not disagreeing, but do you have sources? I wouldn’t even know where to start looking.
In the days of the cavemen, with mammoths and glaciers
Bugs and trees were your food then, no pyjamas or doctors
On my floordrobe.
My Life with Michael Keaton and Nicole what’s her name
might add more later if i think of them
Dark ambient maybe? Check out Cryo Chamber on band camp, might be what you’re looking for.
Those kooky alien/ufo/paranormal shows pretending to be documentaries. Ancient Aliens, Expedition X, Blind Frog Ranch, Oak Island, that sort of thing. They take themselves so seriously and yet they do the dumbest and weirdest things while “investigating”.
“Be excellent to each other”
Innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Not having an alibi doesn’t prove guilt. The burden of proof is on the prosecutor.
Fatboy Slim - Weapon of Choice : Random guy dances through an empty hotel for no particular reason
“Thank you, that’s very kind of you”. Control the conversation and put them on the back foot.
Crash Test Dummies - Mmm mmm mmm mmm