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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • A .22lr is really weak compared to even a pistol round. He could absolutely get shot by it from a distance and stop it with his skull. Hell, I have incredibly thin glasses that are capable of stopping that. Re: topic, You are also forgetting that there are gasses comming off of the pistol that are enough to kill you, even without the bullet. Sadly it’s a story that happens way too often - someone wants to play a joke on someone else, loads blanks, shoots someone from close distance and actually kills them. Rifle blanks have an even more ridiculous lethal range - like 5m. Firearms / firearm safety is no joke.

  • The issue with that is trolls who either 1. ask for source when something is an easy to find fact of life (i.e. it doesn’t need a scientific paper / article or whatever to prove). To later try to convince / discredit you that your link does not show what you claim (when it does). This one is to waste the other person’s time and nothing else, and is really popular by kremlin bots 2. launch an outlandish claim with no source, you counter it and then you are asked by OP to provide your source, then back to 1. for the rest of the bullshit that they do.

    Ultimately it doesn’t matter much when you reply to 2 - 3 people like that, but posting more often, it does simply waste your time.

    Source about these tactics

  • That’s not a “general rule” based on the statistics. Which you try to excuse by saying “all pitbulls have shitty owners therefore they all bite more and kill a shitload of people despite being less populous than other breeds”. Except statistics doesn’t work that way, not with a large sample, such as “the entire breed of dogs”. So according to statistics with a huge sample size, pitbulls are more deadly than any other breed.

    Your argument about human race and trying to somehow equate some sort of “dog racism” is ridiculous and I won’t even dignify that with a response.