I consider myself pretty savvy but I’m also at a loss. I thought and still think you can download all the text but there are so many readers there, different file types. When I finally got to some raw data it was from 2008.
I consider myself pretty savvy but I’m also at a loss. I thought and still think you can download all the text but there are so many readers there, different file types. When I finally got to some raw data it was from 2008.
In that case I never quit. I’ll keep this great advice in mind next time I feel like I have my life settled out and stress minimized so I can try again but give up immediately once I remember that the other two times didn’t count.
I can’t claim to know the future, or more than doctors have described, but it really does seem that vaping is much better for your health compared to cigarettes.
You can feel it. Once you get used to vaping it doesn’t hurt at all. Meanwhile, after smoking for essentially my entire adult life, if I smoke too many I’ll feel it hard the next day.
Yeah I tossed and stomped, or flicked out the car window, when I was young. Smoked inside at my first three apartments and at my mom’s house.
I was callous in so many ways in my youth. Littering cigarettes ain’t nothing compared to how I acted in general. I try to keep it in mind and not judge the youth of today harshly.
Agreed on first point.
But when you hand roll do you use those tubes with a filter? I doubt it since you said biodegradable. The only times I hand rolled were when I was broke. A bag of Bugler with papers was like $2.50 back in the day. Roughly 50 cigarettes the way I rolled. But damn that shit killed my lungs. I’m sure a nicer brand would be better all around but no filter smokes fuck me up.
Absolutely, good for you. But if you smoke joints like I go through cigarettes you’re on Snoop’s level.
Nah I know how bad we stink. I’ve quit twice, long enough for it to become overwhelming again. I can’t smell it but I know it’s there.
You shouldn’t paint with such a broad brush. There are plenty of considerate smokers who try not to smoke around others and never litter our butts. Just like with so many other things, the people who are highly visible assholes give others a bad name.
All my friends who smoke, and I, do not litter the butts ever. We put them in our pocket until we find a trash can, just like everyone should be doing with any of their trash anyway. I’m not defending the people who litter, but there are plenty of smokers out there that are more considerate.
At least for me, I’m much more addicted to the ritual and the motions of smoking than I am the nicotine. I’m sure this isn’t true for everybody. I know this because the first time I quit by vaping, I started with high nicotine juice and pretty quickly went down to 0% nicotine. Stopping the act of vaping was almost as hard as stopping cigarettes.
If you know people at the right bodega you can get them much cheaper because they’re illegally imported from the south. Additionally, if someone is working in NYC they probably make better money than people in most other places, so $15 to them isn’t the same as $15 to me.
I was in the city a few years ago and my (latino in appearance) co-worker told me about a shop where he got some cheap packs. I (white in appearance) went to the shop about an hour later and was sold New York cigarettes at a ball-busting price. That’s just the reality some places.
If you’re curious, you can look at the bottom of the cellophane to find the tax stamp, which will tell you the state they were taxed for sale in
That’s exactly it. I’m a smoker from one of the states with the lowest taxes on cigarettes. I’m heading to New York in a couple of weeks and I’ll be stocking up before I leave. If I lived there I would quit, can’t justify spending that money. I’ve already switched to a cheaper brand that has deals at Sheetz that make them roughly $5 a pack.
I’ve never done this myself, but I’ve known a couple people that take a ton of cigarettes with them when they go to New York. This is highly profitable and highly illegal.
Although vaping has become really big, there’s a lot more people quitting smoking than there are picking up vaping.
And vaping is not equally bad by a long shot. Cigarettes are far worse for you. Also, vaping isn’t nearly as annoying for the people around the user. I say all this as a cigarette smoker myself.
Those disposable vapes are disgustingly wasteful. Apparently you can take them apart and make them reusable or repurpose the battery, but very few people are going to mess with that.
I love smoking. I know it’s killing me. I realize it stinks to other people. I never smoke indoors. I try my best to be considerate of others and never throw my butts on the ground.
But it’s getting a bit ridiculous the demonizing of smokers in the US. If I walk to the edge of a business’s property where there is literally no one and smoke a cigarette, I shouldn’t be harassed by cops or security to cross the street, go several blocks away, or similar.
I just get all the tobacco out of the butt and put it in my back pocket until I find a trash can. It makes me stink even worse but that’s better than littering.
I book my hotels for with them for generally 5%. It adds up.
You guys think Rakuten does the same? I have got so much money from them.
Once you notice it’s all you can see.
That’s what all the papers that I looked at said. It’s immunotherapy. This is why I’m so excited for them to start trying it on people with less advanced cancer.
I believe there’s chemotherapy to prime the body, then 4 shots in two months and then a booster every month? Maybe it’s wrong to call it a vaccine but that’s what doctors are calling it.
I’m just saying nicotine isn’t very likely to give someone cancer and strain healthcare than the fucking 100+ chemicals, tar, and ash that are in what I smoke.