How is bing still trying to make bing happen?
How is bing still trying to make bing happen?
Haha exactly, no matter how careful you are you can’t stop a 3am wild pee fork.
Ya gotta lean forward and give it a good jiggle before you get up and it is usually ok
Haha Well I didn’t say I was StandingPissinSelfNdriveway.
If you are a dude sit down to pee when you are home… feels weird for like a day but it is fantastic. No more trying to aim on the middle of the night while trying to close your eyes, no more rouge pee stream, just a like moment to sit and relax.
Idk but I think it gave me down syndrome.
That’s engineerings problem.
3rd set of teeth added
Oooor how bout we just fucking stop talking about and using Twitter
O go fuck yourself Google .I do not need more bushit pop ups asking if I’m sure when I want my phone to do things.
Hell I’ll even pay for that button
Hide all news and politics button for me please.
Don’t you have some big bang theory to watch?
See that’s why you gotta think ahead and brand one of them with the hot safety pin.
I used to have problems with the HBO max app all the time and would have to delete it and redownload it. Probably fucked on a tv though.
Not Like they will pay it anyway.
I’ll send you a hammer if you don’t have one.
Found the Samsung fuck boy
I have heard that before and have tried to do that a few times but my phone ( moto 5g ace) doesn’t give me the option. I have googled it many times and mine has no option for prefered network type. It’s supposed to, but the option is just not there on mine. Some other people have said it may be carrier locked but I really don’t have any idea.
Thank God you censored the word SHIT so we didn’t all need a group hug meeting .