‘a historical 80s dish’
‘a historical 80s dish’
Ah damn well
I hope something new comes up about it. Good luck :c
I think I’m going to get my nieces and nephews some pi5 desktops, I can’t let them become teenagers without seeing a console.
Have you been assessed for add/adhd
Just the forum they are still publishing articles
This guy is super gross wtf is he on about
I’m here late, i hope everyone’s left I’m leaving
There’s no objective answer, attractiveness is subjective.
You seem really angry people like some person.
Pfff current I was brain-dead, yes.
There’s smart plugs that measure current, I have some Emporia plugs at home.
You mean parallel right
Your joke didn’t land
Soon this is going to have the same energy as a delivery driver that can’t parallel park.
I think marketing graduates don’t actually research their products anymore. It’s mostly irrelevant.
If they did having something like a “product Spotlight” that rotates through some modules on their main product would solve this problem.
keeps you going through the day, is someone to talk to, someone who’s always there, someone who’s the first to detect that you may be in danger
That’s you. You need the skills and attention to reassure yourself and introspect.
You just gave me a new reason to dislike LLMs, they allow people to refrain from maturing.
I like your moxy and positive attitude
Yeah the problem with that is that the basic reason that they are like that is they are threatened. They have a need they are addressing with shooting down ideas.
Brian would do better if he addressed that need. I would bet if he started attributing his own expertise to this manager, and started saying things like “wow I’ve learned so much from you” his ideas would be accepted and credited to him. Brian’s success was due to his manager, after all.
Wow gross. Glad you got out, I doubt many of your colleagues did well from the buyout.
Well post the call recording on LinkedIn if you do
Oooh yeah you are right