Man I dunno I have an Ender 3 (S1) and while I did do quite a lot of fiddling and a few upgrades with it I’m done at this point and basically just have to replace a belt or nozzle once in a while I dunno it’s been pretty stable for a year or two now
Administrator of
Nerd, truck driver, and kinda creeped that you’re reading this.
Man I dunno I have an Ender 3 (S1) and while I did do quite a lot of fiddling and a few upgrades with it I’m done at this point and basically just have to replace a belt or nozzle once in a while I dunno it’s been pretty stable for a year or two now
Part of it too for me is that they’ve given me the student price for 6 years after I left school lmao
Never had a compliant with Apple Music, has a decent Android client with Auto support too.
You seem to be saying that something normal and legal cannot be bad.
Absolutely but it doesn’t go in a drawer
That can be true and also I’m not gonna do anything about it
Yes absolutely
But not the scale tho
Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 183,996 tested in the past 45 days.
Drinkmate. Better anyway because the removable/cleanable carbonator head allows you to carbonate any drink and also premix drinks. You’ll lose a lot of carbonation the SodaStream way of mixing after carbonating.
okay lemme grab my coat
Yeah. I was in Cuba recently. A lot of poverty but very safe (in Havana at least, where I was. Can’t speak to the rest but I’m told it’s similar). Nobody sleeping in the streets. People were fed, though with very limited choices and portion.
Then you look at some cities in the USA, the richest country on earth and there’s people living in the streets, begging for food. You feel unsafe waiting down the street. Tons of desperation and even those with housing feel like they’re walking a tightrope.
Not saying Cuba’s situation is “better”, it’s definitely nuanced though. And we should really see what Cuba could do if the US would stop trying to cripple it as it has for to many decades. It’s unjustifiable and disgusting.
And Facebook, X, Google apps, etc are what exactly?
They’re just as bad or worse on privacy. People throw around that “Chinese” label like it’s supposed to make it worse, somehow. Seems a bit racist to me. At least “the Chinese” aren’t feeding that data to government entities that have actual power over me.
I have no problem with TikTok, their owners, or the company beyond my usual concerns with corporate platforms. They’re as bad (maybe even a little less) as American corporate media.
I just stay away from it because I don’t think short form doom scrolling videos would be good for my productivity or attention span
Shit’s confidently wrong way too often. You wouldn’t even realize the bullshit as you read it.
Knowing their hiring standards it sounds like a job there would be a ridiculously easy way to get privileged access to these people. Nah they’ll use higher quality than that.
The number of breaking changes has really gone down. I don’t think I’ve touched the config in a year. I don’t have it auto update though, just in case.
I’ve had to do very little work on Immich in the 2(?) years I’ve hosted it.
Honestly that’s probably not a huge electrical load.