At least stand by your principle in the same post. Consumerism is bad, therefore everyone should celebrate Christmas without buying a bunch of things. “For the kids” seems like a random concession to your strong belief.
At least stand by your principle in the same post. Consumerism is bad, therefore everyone should celebrate Christmas without buying a bunch of things. “For the kids” seems like a random concession to your strong belief.
What a fun thought experiment
Yes, but according to that same article, “49% of the SSNs exposed don’t include the minimum quality to pose a risk for identity attacks”. So it’s more like 136 million.
This comment, hell this whole thread, is enormously insightful and productive. It feels like a genuine discussion of men’s issues that isn’t on the offensive as it often feels when masculinity is the topic. Thank you and all commenters like you who took the time to make a good point.
This is so cool!
It seems like a lot of open source projects are getting DDoSed right now.
GNOME 45 Mainly because of libadwaita 1.4 being released with its newfangled widgets
Ahh I see sorry for the misunderstanding.
The photo you’re referencing as something you want IS Lollypop. Do a little bit more digging into the preferences, you can get it to a pretty nice state. Try right clicking the sidebar too and clicking the three dots at the bottom.
Gitea is light and fast so I highly recommend it. If you are worried about it being a for profit company, then use the fork, but if they haven’t done any harm, I’d said give them a shot.
One of the biggest misconceptions of imaginary numbers is that “i = √-1” Well… it does equal that, but the bigger truth is that “i^2 = -1”. We don’t care what the actual value of i is, we’re imagining a number who’s square is -1 and all the awesome math that comes from that is the complex numbers.