Also, Mr. FEAR by SIAMÉS has a nice animation about an alien (?) and a human merging to make a larger alien (?).
Also, Mr. FEAR by SIAMÉS has a nice animation about an alien (?) and a human merging to make a larger alien (?).
Lone Digger by Caravan Palace. It’s about a murder-brawl at an animal strip club.
The movie “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” comes to mind.
All the major characters are racing to find the Fountain of Youth, but all for different reasons. It’s a very entertaining movie.
The spoiler reasons for each:
The British want to find the Fountain to stop the Spanish from getting it.
The Spanish want to find the Fountain to destroy it.
Blackbeard wants to find the Fountain to use it to live forever.
Blackbeard’s daughter wants the Fountain for her father.
Jack Sparrow wants to find the Fountain so Blackbeard doesn’t kill him. (And also to save Blackbeard’s daughter.)
Barbossa wants to find the Fountain so that he can kill Blackbeard. (And also he sides with the British to accomplish his revenge).
How can it be valuable when there’s so many dead leaves? Unless you mean to say they become exceedingly rare, in which case the ecosystem is screwed.
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As long as you have at least one straight white male character that isn’t treated like a joke by other characters you should be fine 👍
Because if you have a Kroger’s card you’re going to want to shop there more often to get the free stuff. You’re not paranoid, it is a psychological tactic to get you to spend more money. Casinos do similar things.
What if the helmet had a camera that projected it’s view along with the hud? You might lose some depth perception but at least you could see the road while looking at the HUD.
I’d reccomened fine-tuning your own custom preset. Two things are important for quality, both in the Video tab of the GUI: the Quality slider and the speed of the Encoder. You can read about these in the Handbrake documentation: https://handbrake.fr/docs/en/1.7.0/workflow/adjust-quality.html
Organic Maps fits sort of fits that description. It’s powered by OpenStreetMaps. Easy to mark and save locations and tells you the distance between two or more.