You make it sound quite linear. There are more than 2 ends so there isn’t “that other end”. Your social group might not see birds as dinosaurs but that doesn’t make them governmental drones either
You make it sound quite linear. There are more than 2 ends so there isn’t “that other end”. Your social group might not see birds as dinosaurs but that doesn’t make them governmental drones either
Few people know that runes were first
c/I don’t care
That’s basically the joke, these sentences look very similar but the structure is very different. And you can even force both reading on both sentences. There isn’t much I know about time flies but apparently they prefer arrows.
Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana
The old days when politicians didn’t deny their scandals…
Why? What do you do the secret police shouldn’t know?
taking notes
I knew that middle names are common in the US but I didn’t know it’s so deep in the culture
Expanding means that the objects (stars, galaxies and stuff) are moving further apart, not that any of them is growing on it’s own. Think of a raisin muffin. Before baking all raisins are relatively close but at the end, they moved further away. It’s not that “the other” raisins grow, they are just further away. What grow is the space between them (or dough to stay in the metaphor)
I think the process of transporting it there and back fucks with the temperature because the it increases and later decreases so slowly that it’s overcooked just by bringing it there and back again.
I don’t know if this factors in but my rhesus factor is positive
Sure, this is nature! Sleep sheeps will believe this. If you don’t get it after this image, I don’t know, you’re just lost the the system propaganda. Wake up!
An argument that goes back to Hobbes (which doesn’t make it right)
Not in the anglosphere