I didn’t mean to type those six words. I meant cat.
The only sane conclusion
There’s always an xkcd
Title text:
I like trying to make it as hard as possible.
“I’d love to meet up, maybe in a few days? Next week is looking pretty empty. *witchcraft”
Actually, this XKCD doesn’t apply. It’s really the opposite case. I can’t figure out what cat should replace here.
title text
I think the least horrifying answer is word 2, referring to a consensual encounter between gay furries.
Or burly jazz musicians.
Cat cat in cat cat cat.
As a unix shell script:
(cat ‘cat’) in (cat ‘cat’ ‘cat’)
Which should evaluate to true, because ‘cat’ can be found in ‘catcat’.
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `in’
A gold star for you! Now find a language where “cat cat in cat cat cat” is legal.
cat cat in cat cat cat
is legal Bash ifcat
exist,"cat cat" in "cat cat cat"
is Python.My point is that it’s not a shell script.
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Cat dicks in his brothers bum
Big cat in his brothers bum
Big dicks cat his brothers bum
Big dicks in cat brothers bum
Big dicks in his cat bum
Big dicks in his brothers cat
I think they meant 1,2,4,6 all at the same time
Cat cats in cat brother’s cat?
Cat dicks in this brothers bum
Big dicks cat his brothers bum
Did anyone ever find the answer
which word is supposed to be cat
which word is supposed to be cat
I did
Are the cats in your bum yet?
Big dick cats his brothers bum
Big dicks in cat brothers bum.
cat -A bum_sentence.txt
Big dicks in his brothers cat
They meant to just say “Cat.” Damn autocorrect!
Big dick cats in his brothers bum
Sounds like fever dream posting