Hi! I’m looking for an SSH client for Android, but open source. Termius is great, but it’s closed source and has its subscription-based pricing model, so it’s out. I use ConnectBot rn but it’s buggy and looks awful. Would you recommend any?
Just use Termux and install the openssh package. You can also install mosh, which is better than vanilla ssh.
Does this require a rooted phone to install packages in Termux?
no, it works fine on my non-rooted phone.
Thanks for suggesting mosh! I use termux a lot for ssh, and mosh looks like it will fix some of my biggest issues with it. Mainly losing connection when switching networks.
Not opensource, but i love juicessh. I keep coming back to it all the time.
It’s the extension to the keyboard. I wish a FOSS app did that.
As a user myself, I just tried out Termux. It has the same great keyboard row that juice has, and a lot more. I’ll be switching.
What I like about termux:
- A real shell that can be changed for zsh and ohmyzsh, for example
(https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting and https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions are really handy for quickly reusing familiar commands without having to retype everything, which saves a lot of time on a day-to-day basis)
- numerous packages available
The only flaw I’ve found with termux is its use of google dns :(
I use connectbot too and it is sub optimal but works for me… I only use it in emergencies. If I had any sort of regular use id want something else so following.
There are many foss options in the F-Droid store.
I use termius
I too, want an answer to this question, so I am leaving a comment as bait for others.