Especially for those of us with no coding background, who can’t just build/edit an app.
For example, I like using Gadgetbridge to replace my fitness tracker app:
It’s not nearly as full-featured as a regular fitness app, but it literally can’t connect to the internet so there’s no way anyone can get my health info.
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- HeliBoard replaces GBoard
- Firefox replaces Chrome
- Element replaces Discord (with the right server)
- Organic Maps replaces Google Maps
- Waistline replaces MyFitnessPal
- Tasks replaces Microsoft ToDo
- Aegis replaces Google/Microsoft Aurhenticator
- Obtainium replaces the App Store
Here’s a JSON export of my current Obtainium library
Antennapod for podcasts.
Futo keyboard instead of gboard.
Newpipe for YouTube.
Notally for notes.
Firefox browser.