9/11. My first thought when watching TV that day was ‘Bush did this’. Now maybe he did or maybe he didn’t, but it’s clear as day the US was just itching pass the Patriot Act and go to war. Every year since then has shown me this country’s government couldn’t give a shit about poor and downtrodden people in other countries. In fact, the US is doing the trodding, and the poor of this country are also in its sights.
At least we still have social programs here, which is good thing, but it feels like something left over from when more people cared.
I really, really wish the US would get the f out of the Middle East, stop arming Israel and begin making reparations. Unfortunately, those of us wanting peace tend to be meek (up to a point), which isn’t a bad thing. Meek people can be strong enough to build a more stabile society, but a lot of unfortunate things are going to have to take place first.
An unironic “Bush did 9/11”, incredible
When I gave the books Manufacturing Consent and Consequences of Capitalism a fair chance, and learned about the brutal reality of our foreign policy that goes completely ignored in our history books
Also finding the channel Knowing Better on YouTube and learning much more about the history of Slavery and Native Americans
Great reads, also a great channel on YT.
Have you watched Second Thought videos? You’ll like them: https://youtube.com/@secondthought
Yeah, I don’t watch them too much but I do support that channel.
Also GDF when it comes to imperialist/colonialist conflicts, Leeja Miller on any US issues from a legal lense, and Hasan Piker on political commentary