Of course I’m not asking you to give away your passwords. But for those of you who have so many, how do you keep track of them all? Do you use any unique methods?

I know many people struggle between having something that’s easy to remember and something that’s easy to guess. If you keep a note with your passwords on it, for example, it can be stolen, lost, or destroyed, or if you make them according to a pattern that’s easy to remember, the wrong people might find them easier to guess.

  • Usernameblankface@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’ll do as long a sentence as I can easily remember. Something silly, a memorable movie quote, an explanation of what the profile/app is for, a reminder for why I use the profile/app, goal I have in the area of life I need to use the app for.

    Since most password fields require special characters, I’ll slap an exclamation point or question mark at the end to complete the sentence. Sometimes I’ll think to use a sentence that already has a number and type the digit instead of spelling it out. Or I’ll just use a 2 for too or to.

    Not-real example based on a not-real goal
