As I had no experience with Valve’s products, but rather ps4-5 knock-offs, I want them to have one or two scrollwheels with a sensory feedback in the future.

Switching radio stations like in old timea, adjusting your cam’s focus in Outlast-likes, rolling the roulette while gambling in some Yakuza game, switching your equipment in some stealth game - it can certainly has it uses if it wasn’t too weird.

But what idea or part would you like to add to generic controllers and schemes if you had an authority over that one an you had studios to follow this quirk?

    2 months ago

    My use case is a little unusual, my PC is hooked up to my tv and gets used for watching some movies and TV and such in addition to gaming

    I’d like it to have some sort of slide out keyboard, a scroll wheel, and a trackpad or trackball so that it’s more useable for general PC navigation, and maybe some media control buttons-play/pause, skip, etc.

    I’d also like volume controls, and if I dare to dream big maybe an IR blaster to control my TV and AV receiver with some power and input buttons.

    I think a trackball instead of a right stick would be nice for precise aiming but sometimes I’d like it to act like a joystick so maybe some kind of sensor ring around the edge of it to detect when my thumb is at the edge to keep it moving that direction like a joystick or maybe both a stick and a ball

    6 face buttons instead of the now standard 4. I emulate some retro games and it would be nice for N64 and Genesis games. Mapping those buttons to a joystick or shoulder buttons or whatever just doesn’t feel right, and I’d probably come up with some macros or something to map them to for other games

    However it’s implemented, I’d want to be able to have 4 controllers connected at once, and the ability to play and charge at the same time

    Some sort of charging dock or at least wireless charging built it would be nice

    And if we really want to get wild with it, let’s make it split in half with the necessary sensors and speaker and such for Wii and switch emulation and to use as VR controllers

    Trying to cram all of that into an affordable, usable, attractive controller is probably a pipe dream, but that’s my theoretical ideal