I hope you enjoy it! The podcast is in English, but they don’t always talk about English linguistics. One of the two hosts works primarily on Nepalese languages, and they frequently have guests on to discuss their work
The episode can be listened to via soundcloud on that page. Slightly further down the page, it has links to the episode on Spotify, iTunes, and Youtube as well, plus an RSS link. The hosts are Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch
I hope you enjoy it! The podcast is in English, but they don’t always talk about English linguistics. One of the two hosts works primarily on Nepalese languages, and they frequently have guests on to discuss their work
I couldn’t find it, can you share the link or at least mention one of the hosters?
I can! Here is the first episode on their website https://lingthusiasm.com/post/154520059101/lingthusiasm-episode-1-speaking-a-single-language
The episode can be listened to via soundcloud on that page. Slightly further down the page, it has links to the episode on Spotify, iTunes, and Youtube as well, plus an RSS link. The hosts are Lauren Gawne and Gretchen McCulloch
Done, thanks