I’ve been coding for years in a multitude of languages, but other than one c class I had in college I mostly learned through osmosis, or learned new things as they were needed.
So my knowledge is honestly all over the place and with a ton of gaps.
I’m trying to learn rust and starting going through The Rust Book and afterwards I plan on going on Rust by Example and trying to code my stuff as strictly following best practices as possible.
Is that a waste of time? I mean rawdogging it has been working for me for a decade now. Should I just yolo and write what I wanna write in Rust and learn as I go?
I first started from just reading “teach yourself” books. But I would say most of the actually useful shit I learned was just by sheer brute force fucking around with my own things and learning by doing.
Yeah I’ve only learned at work by bashing my head against the wall whilst complaining about bad documentation